Back on track - Reisverslag uit Parijs, Frankrijk van Melanie Woerkom - Back on track - Reisverslag uit Parijs, Frankrijk van Melanie Woerkom -

Back on track

Door: Melanie

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Melanie

02 Oktober 2012 | Frankrijk, Parijs

It all started with the wish to study abroad again. Wanting to do a complete master abroad. While I fell in love with my French Philippe.

One year later. I have studied one semester in Paris, one semester in Cesena. I have had to work harder than I have ever had to do before. I have travelled more than I have ever done before. I made great international and French friends who I cannot miss anymore. For many of you ‘French’ might fall under the category international too. But since I am getting more and more integrated in my boyfriend’s country I do not see them as international (anymore..).

After a turbulent summer with lots of travels, being surrounded by friends and family, I am feeling good! I have had great travels but I was especially happy to get the opportunity to go home to catch up with everybody who is important to me. For a Dutchie like me who is missing her home quite a lot it was slightly dangerous to regret that she moved away from her country. Because sometimes it looked like she was feeling a bit too good over there. Fortunately I was strong enough to keep those ideas out of my mind and just to be very happy and feel lucky and thankful that I am always able to go back there and to know that all my precious Dutchies are still there for me.

In short, I am one happy person! Feeling very grateful to have great family and friends in the Netherlands, to start to have great friends and family in France, and to still have great friends abroad, all over the world.

So what is next? This year I will finish my master with one semester of classes and one semester in which I will have to do an internship. I would not be me if I would not be a little bit terrified about that. Despite the fact that I have really improved my French, that I feel ten times more confident when I speak French, and that I am even excited to start the classes because I am curious if I would really understand things ten times better this time, my French is still not perfect. So I will try to improve it more and more and in the meantime I will try to emphasize that my English is ‘very good’ ;). Hopefully it will bring me somewhere…

For the moment I do not feel like I will have interesting things to write about but I would still like to stay in touch with everybody at distance so we will see if I am actually going to keep this blog updated ;). This will also depend on the amount of reactions I will get :P, hihi.

Liefs uit Parijs!

  • 02 Oktober 2012 - 22:01



    It's no option to stop this blog.
    We always look forward to your interesting stories. It's very nice to read, even when you're not saying anything at all :p
    No kidding: please keep us updated via this blog. I'm sure you will find enough inspiration in your turbulent life!
    We will wait for your next story.

  • 02 Oktober 2012 - 23:22


    I agree with Vader ;)
    Seriously, just now and than writing a nice story will be great!
    It was great to have you back in Amsterdam! In our appartement. On our couch. Drinking tea. Eating chocolate. Chatting about anything. Having footmassages (hihi).
    And especially this time finding my weddingdress!!!
    Meant a lot to me having you around those days.
    Thanks for all sissy! ❤
    Ik vond het erg gezellig! :)

  • 03 Oktober 2012 - 21:28


    Hi Mellie,

    And ofcourse, as probably expected, I will give a reaction too. So now it's clear who read your blog first ;). And although we are maybe the people to who you still speak a lot (thanks to whats app), I also agree with vader and zus :P. I still like the way you're writing, but even more the content of your blog. I like to see you developing. And I like to read that you're a happy girl! I can imagine that you still feel a little bit insecure (because I'm your sis with this same characteristic), but I also know for sure that you can handle this! Good luck with your next semester!

    xxx ;)

  • 04 Oktober 2012 - 09:08


    Heeee Mels!!
    Ik reageer maar even in 't Nederlands, want straks verleer je het nog!! Wat een heerlijk positief verhaal, leuk om te lezen. Ik vond het zo fijn je deze zomer weer te zien! En dat gewoon drie keer!!! (ik weet dat je een zin niet met 'en' mag beginnen, maar daar had ik zin in). Wat is t leuk om dan gewoon een kopje thee te drinken. Ook erg fijn zo'n gezellig adresje in Parijs!!!!
    Ga dr voor je laatste jaartje, dan heb je dat papiertje mooi op zak!

    Heel veel liefs

  • 04 Oktober 2012 - 13:20


    Lieve Mellie,

    heel fijn om te lezen dat het zo goed met je gaat! :) Ik vind het zo knap wat jij het afgelopen jaar allemaal wel niet gedaan hebt, dat doet echt niet iedereen je na, goed onthouden! Ik vond het ook super leuk om je deze zomer weer een paar keer te zien, zowel in Parijs als in Ens! Dan is het gelijk weer zoals altijd en helemaal goed :)

    Kusjes! X

  • 08 Oktober 2012 - 16:15


    Hi lieve Mel,

    Van mij ook een berichtje, want je moet wel blijven schrijven hoor! En ook omdat ik uit ervaring weet hoe leuk het is om berichtjes te ontvangen..:)
    Ik geef je een dikke kus en knuffel !

    kus xxxx

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14 Juli 2012 - 31 Augustus 2013

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18 Augustus 2009 - 28 December 2009

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